The Batman, Pattinson explains why he played The Dark Knight

Robert Pattinson admitted he agreed to do The Batman because he was looking for something different in his acting career. Also because he has always loved the character

The release of The Batman at the cinema is soon (March 4) and the statements of its protagonists are multiplying, in addition to mysterious posters and scenes. One of the most anticipated and sought after is clearly Robert Pattinson – also expected by the Caudine forks of the fans – who plays The Dark Knight

Joined by Total Film for an interview, Pattinson revealed the particular reasons that convinced him to accept his first-ever role in a cinecomic. Having called Batman a “bizarre creature of the night” who “basically lives in the sewers“.

“I was aiming for something quite different [than the roles played up to that point]. Of course [Batman] is the crown jewel of roles you can get as an actor. But I thought I was in no way close to playing him, especially considering the other roles that appealed to me at the time. Even my agents used to tell me: ‘Interesting. I thought you wanted to play only extravagant characters’. And I replied: ‘But he [Batman] is!’ “. 

Pattinson also talked about Bruce Wayne and the intrinsic reasons that motivate the character: 

“He has a huge trauma within him and has built an intricate psychological mechanism to deal with it. He’s kind of bad self-therapy, which eventually led to him being Batman as a form of self-help. “

In a statement to Esquire a few days ago, the director of the film, Matt Reeves, spoke of Pattinson’s casting and, in particular, the reactions of fans that followed the announcement that he would play the protagonist: 

“Each actor chosen for this role has received some setbacks. The people who were excited were because they knew Rob [Pattinson ]’s work after Twilight. People who weren’t excited weren’t because they didn’t know Rob’s work after Twilight. ”

Source: Comicbook 

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