Is Ghost Rider back to the cinema? On social fans in raptures

Image credit: Sony Pictures

Fans are trending a rumor that Marvel is thinking of a return of Ghost Rider. Thanks to the fans, the rumor of a possible return to the cinema of Ghost Rider is trending on Twitter

On social media campaigns cyclically erupt among fans clamoring to see certain wishes fulfilled: from the Snyder Cut of the Justice League to the return of Charlie Cox as Daredevil (later in Spider-Man: No Way Home). Now the attention of fans seems to have turned to another character from the Marvel Universe, so much so that in the past few hours the rumor of a possible return in live-action by Johnny Blaze, a.k.a. has been trending on Twitter

Ghost Rider. In reality, not only – as is to be expected in these cases – there has been no confirmation from Marvel, but there is even a lack of elements (or almost) that could give rise to rumors of this type.

After Nicolas Cage, who played Ghost Rider in two films (2007’s Ghost Rider and 2011’s Ghost Rider), it was Diego Luna’s turn to take on the role of the iconic character in some episodes of the TV series Agents of SHIELD. 

Interviewed a few months ago on the possibility of returning to play Ghost Rider in a Marvel film, the actor had confessed that he had not been contacted – at least until that moment – for a possible return: “I never say no [to the possibility to reinterpret Ghost Rider]. I always say it depends on the story “.

A few weeks ago, thanks to a really successful fan trailer, the character of Ghost Rider was in trend on social networks. On that occasion, fans had asked Marvel to even entrust the role to Keanu Reeves who was actually very convincing in the fan trailer. 

After all, the actor himself had admitted that he would have liked to become part of the Marvel world because “extraordinary directors work there”. Maybe it’s not proof that Marvel is really thinking about a Ghost Rider movie, but certainly, all these clues are unmistakable: fans would not wait to see it.

Source: Comicbook

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